– “Chururi Chururi Ra” [PV]

Hey, what are your favorite vertical-scrolling video games? I don’t actually have one. My best friend was a beast at these games and I always lost all of my lunch money trying to keep up with him at the arcade. Any video game that requires dodging bullets, lasers or other projectile weapons definitely stress me out. If pressed, I’d admit to enjoying Ikari Warriors with said best friend (mainly because I didn’t have to do much other than die occasionally).

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Japan Expo 1:

Short story: Japan Expo, road trip,, an idol encounter, the best hotel tab ever
One week after the fact, I am finally sitting down to recount my experiences at Japan Expo. What took so long? Well, I recently started working again and the extreme heat of Los Angeles lately greatly diminished my desire to sit in front of a computer. Right up front I’ll say that I had a great time at Santa Clara, and the experience has only strengthened my idol hobby (is it really a hobby?). I had an amazing brush with the idol attendees and attended four concerts, three autograph sessions, and two panels. This being the inaugural Japan Expo, attendance was not up to the promoter’s expectations (I’m sure). The only day where I felt like the con was more than sparsely attended was Saturday, but I’m getting ahead of myself here. This, the first of two articles about Japan Expo, will focus on my arrival in Santa Clara and The second installation will cover Kikkawa You.

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